Should You Wash Your Comforter or Take It to a Professional Cleaner?

Written by cleanermarketing

August 30, 2024

Comforters and other large bedding items are bulky, heavy, and mostly made of delicate fabrics with very specific cleaning requirements. If you don’t wash them well and correctly, you risk damaging the fabric, flattening the filling, and ultimately ending up with a lumpy, damaged comforter. So what’s the right move then – should you tackle the cleaning at home, or is it smarter to leave it to the pros? This is a question we address in this article.

DIY Cleaning vs. Professional Care: Which is Better for Your Comforter?

When to Choose DIY Cleaning

  • If your comforter is machine washable: Comforters made from synthetic materials or those labeled as machine washable are often suitable for home cleaning. Just make sure to use a gentle detergent and follow the care instructions.
  • When you have a large capacity washing machine: If your washing machine is large enough to handle the bulkiness of your comforter without overcrowding, DIY can be a convenient and cost-effective option.
  • If you’re on a budget: Washing your comforter at home can save you the cost of professional laundry services, as long as you’re careful with the cleaning process.

When to Opt for Professional Care

  • For delicate or high value comforters: If your comforter is made from linen, silk, or any material that requires special handling, professional care is the safer option.
  • When dealing with stains or odors: Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to remove tough stains and odors, something that might be challenging to achieve with DIY methods.
  • If you need a thorough cleaning: Comforters that haven’t been cleaned in a while or are used frequently may benefit from the deep cleaning capabilities of professional laundry services, including dry cleaning.

Comparison Table

Aspect DIY Cleaning Professional Care
Convenience Convenient for personal schedules, but time consuming. Hassle-free, with laundry services offering pickup and delivery options.
Effectiveness Limited by home equipment; may struggle with large comforters and delicate fabrics like linen. Industrial machines ensure thorough cleaning; great for delicate items like linen.
Cost Generally cheaper, but with a higher risk of potential damage costs. More expensive, but includes expert care and convenience.
Longevity Can maintain quality with careful washing, but frequent DIY cleaning may cause faster wear. Professional care typically enhances comforter longevity.
Risk of Damage Higher risk due to potential misuse of detergents and washing settings. Low risk; professionals are trained to handle a variety of materials and cleaning needs.

How Often Should You Clean Your Comforter?

Unlike sheets or pillowcases, which should be washed weekly, comforters can go much longer between cleanings. However, the frequency at which you should clean your comforter depends on several factors, such as how often it’s used, whether you have pets, and if anyone in your household has allergies.

1) Regular Use: Every Few Months

For most people, washing their comforter every three to six months is sufficient. If your comforter is protected by a duvet cover, you might be able to stretch this to once or twice a year. The duvet cover acts as a barrier, reducing the amount of dirt and oils that reach the comforter itself. When you clean your comforter, be sure to use a gentle detergent that’s suitable for your comforter’s fabric – whether it’s cotton, synthetic, or linen.

2) Allergies and Pets: More Frequent Cleaning

If you have allergies or share your bed with pets, you need to clean your comforter more often. Dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens accumulate in your bedding, potentially triggering allergic reactions. In these cases, consider washing your comforter every two to three months, or even monthly if needed. For those with severe allergies, professional laundry services that offer hypoallergenic dry cleaning might be the best option to ensure a thorough cleaning without any harsh chemicals.

3) Seasonal Changes: Spring and Fall Cleaning

Changing your comforter with the seasons is a great way to maintain freshness. A good rule of thumb is to wash your comforter as you switch from heavier winter bedding to lighter summer covers, and vice versa. This seasonal cleaning not only keeps your bedding fresh but also helps remove any dust or allergens that build up over time. Using a mild detergent designed for delicate fabrics like linen helps preserve the quality of your comforter.

4) After Illness: Immediate Cleaning

If you or someone in your household has been sick, it’s crucial to clean your comforter as soon as possible. Germs and bacteria linger in bedding, leading to potential reinfection or spreading illness to others. In this case, a professional dry cleaning service might be the best route, as they ensure your comforter is sanitized without damaging the fabric.

5) Spot Cleaning Between Washes

For minor spills or stains, you don’t need to wash the entire comforter. Spot cleaning with a mild detergent can address most issues, keeping your comforter looking its best between full washes. Be sure to treat stains as soon as they occur to prevent them from setting in. If the stain is particularly stubborn or the fabric is delicate, consider consulting a laundry service for advice or assistance.

Keep Your Comforter Fresh and Fluffy – Book Professional Cleaning with Widmer’s Cleaners!

Think it’s time to give your sheets and comforters a much-needed refresh? Bring them to our professional cleaners at Widmer’s Cleaners. Our comforter cleaning service in Cincinnati, Ohio is the best around, and our decades of experience serving this beautiful community definitely say something about our reliability, expertise, and dedication.

We’re also experts at meticulously handling delicate clothing pieces, such as leather jackets, formal suits, fur items, and many more. Schedule a laundry and dry cleaning pickup today!